Category Archives: Cotton Pest



                                                        Fig 1:Semiloopers.

                                              Fig 2:Semiloopers.

                              Pest information
                   Semiloopers(Anomis flava)

                              Symptoms of damage
                  Defoliation. LARVA.
                   Description of pest
                  Larva: Green coloured semi-looper, with five white longtitudinal lines and red prolegs.

Leaf perforator

                                                  Leaf perforator

                                                Leaf perforator
                                                        Fig 1:Leaf perforator.

                                              Leaf perforator
                                                 Fig 2:Leaf perforator.

                              Pest information
                     Leaf perforator (Bucculatix loxoptila)
                     Bucculatricidae: Lepidoptera

                              Symptoms of damage
                   Leaf mining (by early instar), leaf perforation and skeletonization by late instar. LARVA.
                   Description of pest
                   Larva: Greenish grey covered with black spots and white warts, spins horse shoe shaped protective covering; Adult: Brownish moth.

Leaf roller

                                                     Leaf roller

                                              Leaf roller
                                                  Fig 1:Pupa of Leaf roller.

                                              Fig 2:Leaf roller and rolled leaf.
                              Pest information
                     Leaf roller (Sylepta derogate)
                     Pyraustidae: Lepidoptera

                              Symptoms of damage
                  Leaves rolled in the form of trumpets fastened by silken threads. Marginal portions of leaves eaten away. Plants defoliated in severe attack. LARVA
                   Description of pest
                   Larva: Bright green larva (glistening) with dark head and prothoraic shield. Adult: Moth with yellow wings having brown wavy markings.

Tailed (Striped) mealybug

                                        Tailed (Striped) mealybug

                                                  Fig 1:Cotton stem weevil.

                                              Fig 2:Tailed (Striped) mealybug.
                              Pest information
                   Tailed (Striped) mealybug (Ferrisia virgata)
                    Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera

                              Symptoms of damage
                   Yellowing of leaves in older plants; under surface of leaves and terminal shoot covered with white mealy mass. NYMPH & ADULT
                   Description of pest
                  Female bug: Apterous with long prominent filaments on the posterior end and a number of hairs over the body covered with waxy powder.

Yellow star scale

                                                             Yellow star scale

                              Pest information
                   Yellow star scale(Cerococcus hibisci)
                    Asterolecaniidae: Hemiptera

                              Symptoms of damage
                   Yellowing of leaves in isolated plants. Scales on twigs, shoots, and leaves with sooty mould. NYMPH & ADULT.
                   Description of pest
                   Yellow star like an appearance on the leaves and stem.

White scale

                                                      White scale

                                                 White scale
                                                 Fig 1:Cotton pulvinaria.

                                              White scale
                                              Fig 2:cotton white scale.

                              Pest information
                   White scale (Pulvinaria maxima)
                    Coccidae: Hemiptera

                              Symptoms of damage
                   Yellowing of leaves in isolated plants. Scales on twigs, shoots, and leaves with sooty mould.NYMPH & ADULT.
                   Description of pest
                   Adult: Oval and convex, young scales pale.

Black scale

                                                      Black scale

                                                 Fig 1:Black scale.

                                              Fig 2:Black scale.

                              Pest information
                  Black scale (Parasaissetia nigra)

                              Symptoms of damage
                  Yellowing of leaves in isolated plants. Scales on twigs, shoots, and leaves with sooty mould.NYMPH & ADULT.
                   Description of pest
                   Adult: Oval and convex, young scales pale.

Dusky cotton bug

                                                      Dusky cotton bug

                                                 Dusky cotton bug
                                                 Fig 1:Dusky cotton bug.

                                              Dusky cotton bug
                                              Fig 2:Eggs of Dusky cotton bug.

                              Pest information
                   Dusky cotton bug(Oxycareous hyalinipennis)
                     Lygaediae: Hemiptera

                              Symptoms of damage
                   Suck the sap from developing seeds in open bolls and stain the lint black. Seeds discoloured and shrunken. NYMPH & ADULT
                   Description of pest
                   Adult: Dusky, greyish brown bug, with pointed head and white hyaline wings.

Red cotton bug

                                                      Red cotton bug

                                                 red bug
                                                 Fig 1:Red cotton bug.

                                              red bug
                                              Fig 2:Red cotton bug.

                              Pest information
                     Red cotton bug(Dysdercus cingeulatus)
                      Pyrrhocoridae: Hemiptera

                              Symptoms of damage
                   Red stained lint and rotting bolls. Inner boll wall with warty growth or water soaked spots young bolls abort and turn dark brown. NYMPH & ADULT
                   Description of pest
                  Nymphs and adultrs: Reddish bugs with white bands on the abdomen and black markings on the wings.



                                                 Stem weevil
                                                 Fig 1:Cotton Thrips.

                              Pest information
                   Thrips(Thrips tabaci)

                              Symptoms of damage
                  Shriveling of leaves due to scrapping of epidermis and desapping; when leaves unfurl after attack on terminal buds, they will have ragged edges, damage severe in seedlings. Silvery sheen on the under surface of the leaves. NYMPH & ADULT
                   Description of pest
                   Small, slender insects or varying colour from yellow to brown with fringed wings.